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Giving (DANA)

“The first petal of the flower of the paramitas is dana paramita, the practice of giving. Whether you give your presence, your stability, your freshness, your solidity, your freedom, or your understanding, your gift can work a miracle. Dana paramita is the practice of love.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

Giving (DANA)

Giving (dana) is an essential Buddhist practice. It is an act of immeasurable benefit to student and Dharma teacher alike, cultivating openness and generosity in recognising the wellbeing of others. Whether a flower, a smile, an act of service, or a meal, it is one of the simplest yet most sincere forms of practice in the Buddhist tradition.

At Melbourne River Sangha, all teachings are freely offered by the teachers. Any financial contributions received by the Sangha go directly towards maintaining our online and in-person practice spaces and, when possible, offering dana to our monastic Brothers and Sisters at Plum Village, and other good causes.

If you would like to make a financial offering, please see below for the details on how to give. Alternatively, should you wish to make an offering of another sort – assisting with the Sangha facilitation, the giving of your time or knowledge in a particular area such as social media – please feel
free to contact us.

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